Contains per ml:
Oxytocin (synthetic) 10 IU
Oxytocin is a hormone, influencing uterine musculature in the late stage of pregnancy, during and a few days after parturition. It is used for speeding expulsion of the foetus or foetuses (only in dogs,cats and pigs), and after parturition it promotes the expulsion of the placenta and the involution of the uterus. Owing to its effect on myoepithelial cells around the alveoli of the udder, it stimulates and increases the secretion of milk.
NEBOTOCIN. is indicated for weakness of contractions during parturition (uterus atony) in dogs, cats and pigs, retained placenta, post partum haemorrhage, post partum agalactia and lactation failure in sows (MMA complex).Oxytocin Inj. can also be used to reduce the size of a prolapsed uterus after replacement in cattle.
Do not administer to animals with incomplete cervical dilatation, do not administer to animals in case of dystocia caused by abnormal position or size of the foetus, do not use in case of hypersensitivity to oxytocin the excipients.
Short vasodilatation, decreased blood pressure and/or hyperstimulation of the uterus if used at high doses, and sometimes anaphylactic reactions may occur (antidote is adrenaline at 1:1000).
For intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. Cattle : 4 – 6 ml
Horses : 4 – 5 ml Pigs : 2 – 4 ml
Goats, sheep : 1 – 3 ml
Dogs :
During parturition : 0,05 – 0,3 ml per animal
After parturition : 0,03 – 0,1 ml per animal
Cats :
During parturition : 0,03 – 0,1 ml per animal
After parturition : 0,1 – 0,3 ml per animal
Meat : 1 day
Milk : 1 day
Store in a dry, dark place between 2 °C and 15 °C.
Keep medicine away from children.
50 ml multidose vial (96 vials per box).